A penny for your thoughts: if I ask you to smile would you do that confidently or shy away? While you consider getting a mirror or look through your phone screen, the truth is that if you know, you won’t need that. 

A straight smile imbues confidence and trust. It makes others feel more comfortable interacting with you. While every smile is beautiful, straight teeth are considered the ultimate standard. If you want to know the structure of your teeth; i.e you are not sure whether your teeth can be classified as straight or crooked, take this FREE smile assessment test to be sure. 

Aside from smile transformation, there are other benefits you can get from having a set of beautiful, straightened teeth. Here are 7 benefits you will enjoy when you have a set of straightened teeth.

Healthy Gums

Your gums are the anchors of your teeth. Without them, it is nearly impossible to have strong teeth. Having straightened, well-positioned teeth prevents the presence of interdental space between any two teeth that would encourage the growth of plaque in between them. And you know good ol’ plaque causes nothing but trouble wherever it takes up residence. All things being equal, straightened teeth is almost always equal to healthy gums. So, if you have crooked teeth, straightening your teeth helps to fit gum tissue more securely around your teeth, keeping your gums in perfect condition.

Healthier Teeth

This is particularly obvious right? Straightened teeth are always healthy teeth because it’s easy to practice and maintain excellent oral hygiene. They reduce the amount of food particles that get between the teeth. With this in place, you would definitely be able to keep cavities and tooth decay at bay.

Less Abnormal Tooth Wear

When you have crooked teeth, they cause abnormal tooth wear. This is due to constant rubbing that occurs between teeth as a result of bad positioning. Crowded teeth are another dental ailment that speeds up tooth wear. Having more teeth than usual on a gum space causes teeth to rub up against each other in an unnatural way.  This causes friction which wears the teeth further, leading to other problems like ineffective chewing.

Decreased Risk of Tooth Injury

When your teeth are crowded, risk for tooth loss from accidental trauma to your face or mouth. Crowded teeth are more often broken than straight teeth. To reduce that, speak to a dentist to see what could be done.

Decreased Headaches and Jaw Pain

Amongst other ailments, badly positioned teeth can cause jaw discomfort and headaches. This occurs particularly because of the pressure when you are eating or speaking. Crooked and crowded teeth place unnecessary stress on gums and jaws when you eat. With straightened teeth, you would reduce the impact it would have.

Improved Speech

Ever wondered why you find the pronunciation of some words difficult? Your teeth might just be the reason. This is because you use your tongue and teeth to make some pronunciations. So, having crooked teeth, crowded teeth, or interdental spaces makes it hard on your speech. This is a simple matter you can correct if you consult your dentist on how you can straighten your teeth .

Improved Self-Esteem

Unarguably, a perfect set of straight teeth gives the perfect smile. With straight teeth, you would only win hearts with your confidence.

With these benefits of straight teeth discussed above, you would agree it is better to make a decision today to straighten your crooked teeth, not only because of the importance of your dental health but also for your overall happiness. If you’ve come to a decision and you’re wondering how to take the first step towards having straightened teeth, kindly reach out to us by calling +2348107337585 or send a mail to info@alignitng.com. 

 Our dental specialists are always ready to talk to you and guide you on your journey to overall dental health. After your consultation and dental examination, your oral needs would be ascertained and your treatment determined. You are surely going to use AlignIT, custom-made clear aligners of high quality and durability to get your teeth straightened. How you’re going to use them will be determined by the dentist. Making a decision to straighten one’s teeth is a decision of a lifetime, and it is one you will never regret.